Privacy Policy
‘Hansol Paper Co., Ltd' (The Company) recognizes that your private information is important and complies with "the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." and "the Personal Information Protection Act". The Company explains how the Company uses private information that you provide for which objectives and the actions taken for protecting privacy in this policy. When the Company revises this policy, it will notify the fact and relevant details through the notice board at the company’s website (or individually).
The Company’s privacy policy includes the followings.
1. Collected private information2. Objectives to collect and use private information
3. Period to keep and use private information
4. Private information provision
5. Entrustment of private information management
6. Method and procedure to destruct private information
7. Authorities of users and their legal agents and how to exert the authorities
8. Technological and managerial measures for private information protection
9. Installation, operation, and rejection of the tool to automatically collect private information
10. Notification when private information is leaked
11. Customer service of private information
12. Duty of notification
The company collects the following private information to provide consultation and other services for you.
- Information: Name, E-mail, phone number, company name, name of CEO (company), address, industry, mainly using paper type, purchase amount- How to collect: webpage (application for event/ a sample book)
The Company uses collected private information for the following objectives and do not use for others than the defined objectives as below.
- To send a sample book and a gift for event winners
· To send a sample book and a gift for those who applied for and participated in the events
- For marketing and advertising
· To communicate promotional information such as events, and identify access frequency or statistics of customers’ product use.
The Company uses collected information for the objectives notified above only and does not use for others without a prior consent from you. In principle, the company does not disclose your private information to others. However, the followings are exceptional.
· To do marketing activities for introducing products via the telemarketing service, etc.
· To send SMS about events and promotional information
· To introduce products and communicate promotional information via e-mail
- Getting your consent
- Due to a special regulation in other laws
- When providing private information in the way that specific individuals cannot be identified for statistical and research purposes
The Company retains and uses your private information until you withdraw the consent to collect and use private information. When you withdraw the consent or the objectives to use private information are accomplished, the information is deleted without delay.
In principle, the Company does not disclose your private information to others. However, the following cases are exceptional.
- When you agree to information disclosure in advance
- By regulations in laws or when investigation authorities request by the procedures and methods defined in relevant laws for investigation
The Company entrusts dealing with private information to another company as below and take necessary measures for private information to be safely managed based on relevant laws in this case. Also, the entrusted private information is limited to minimal information necessary to provide the company’s services smoothly. The Company entrusts managing private information to an outsourced company as below.
> Outsourced company
Hansol PNS Co., LTd.
> Entrusted business
System operation, management, and maintenance
> Period to keep and use private information
Until the period to provide the service ends or you request entrustment of private information management
The Company notifies that we take proper measures to protect your private information through the entrustment contract. Also, the Company notifies the followings to you when moving your private information due to transfer of business.
- Fact that your private information will be moved
- Name, address, phone number, and other contact information of those who receive your private information
- The measures and procedures for you to take when you do not like that your private information is moved
The Company destructs the concerned private information without delay when the objectives to collect and use private information are accomplished. The method and procedure to destruct private information as below.
- Procedure to destruct: The information that you provided is moved to a separate DB (a separate document box in case of paper) after the objectives are accomplished and kept for a certain period of time and destructed depending on the reasons for protecting information described in the internal regulations and other relevant laws (referring to the period to keep and use). The private information moved to a separate DB is not used for other purposes than keeping unless there are legal needs. In the case where private information is provided for the third party or an entrusted company, the Company will force them to destruct the information.
- Method to destruct "The document with private information is shredded by a shredder or incinerated. - The one saved in an electronic file is deleted by a technological method that records cannot be reproduced.
The Company accepts your request for viewing and modifying your private information and withdrawing the consent without delay. Therefore, you are able to view or modify your registered information and request withdrawal to consent any time. Or, if you contact the person in charge of private information management via a letter, phone call, or e-mail, the Company will take measures promptly. When you request correcting an error of private information, the concerned information is not used or provided until it is completely corrected. Also, in the case where incorrect information is already provided for the third party, the Company will make the third party correct the information by letting it know the result of correction in advance. The private information canceled or deleted by your request is dealt depending on "the period to keep and use private information" notified when collecting the information and it cannot be viewed or used for other purposes. However, the request can be restricted or rejected in the case of the followings and the Company notifies the fact to you swiftly.
- When a special regulation is stipulated in relevant laws or it is unavoidable to comply with legal obligations
- When there is concern of damaging others’ lives or bodies or unfairly violating others’ properties and interests
- When you do not clearly reveal your willingness to terminate the contract even in the case where the contract cannot be performed and that is, the agreed services cannot be provided due to private information related issue
The Company is seeking the following technological measures to secure safety for private information not to be lost, stolen, changed, or damaged.
- Your private information is thoroughly protected by managing access authorities and password and file and transmitted data are encrypted so that crucial data is protected through a special security function.
- Automatically updated vaccine is used to prevent damage from a computer virus and the system to detect and prevent invasion is used to prevent damage by hacking.
- The Company takes managerial measures for protecting your private information.
- A minimized number of employees deal with private information and the Company highlights importance of complying with this privacy policy through regular and ad-hoc security related education programs.
- The company makes all executives and employees and contracted employees to submit the security agreement to prevent manmade information leakage in advance. Also, we monitor whether the employees comply with this privacy policy well and takes necessary internal procedures to correct or improve the details of privacy policy when it is identified that the employees violate the policy.
The Company does not run the tool to automatically collect private information such as Cookies when you use an online service.
The Company will inform the followings without delay when it finds out that your private information is leaked and take measures to minimize damage from leakage.
- Time and reason that the information is leaked
- Information of the measures that you can take to minimize damage caused by leakage
- Countermeasures and relief measures
- Responsible department and contact information to receive the report about damage
However, when urgent countermeasures such as preventing spread of information is needed, the Company will inform you without delay after taking the measures. The Company will notify to you and post the notification in a pop-up in the first page of the company’s webpage or other locations such as the customer service center and the notice board where you can recognize easily for at least 30 days when private information which is defined by the presidential decree or more important than the definition in the decree is leaked.
The Company designates the manager and the person in charge of private information as below to protect your private information and handle your complaints about private information.
- Dongsoo Hyun, the manager of private information management
(HR Team/Team lead 02-3287-6137,
- Yejin Kim, the person in charge of private information management
(HR Team/Assistant manager 02-3287-6138,
You can file a complaint related to private information to the manager or assistant manager in charge of private information management. The Company will swiftly give substantial answers. Please contact the following institutions for reporting or consulting about private information violation cases.
< E-commerce Mediation Committee > Tel. 1661-5714 / URL:
< 118 Center > Tel. 118 / URL:
< Privacy Mark Certification Committee > Tel. 02)550-9531~2 / URL:
< High-tech and Financial Crimes Investigation Center in Supreme Prosecutors’ Office> Tel. 02)3480-2000 / URL:
If the Company adds, deletes, and modifies details for the current privacy policy, we will notify in "the notice board" in the webpage at least seven days earlier than taking the measure.
- Date of Revision: November 2nd, 2020